Effect Preset

D5 effect preset contains all parameters in the D5 scene, environment and effect panel.

How to Create Effect Presets

1. Switch to the ready scene in the scene list. 

2. Right-click on the scene or click "Create Preset" in the Studio panel.

● After clicking "Create Preset", a pop-up window for saving the settings will appear. Complete the settings and save.


When saving the preset, the custom HDR and LUT files used will also be uploaded. 

The save time is affected by the size of the HDR file used. The preset is stored based on the data in the current preview viewport.

How to Apply Effect Presets

● In the Studio panel, double-click on the preset file that you want to apply (the first click will download the data, and the second click will apply it). The download and loading time depend on the size of the custom HDR file in the preset.

● Data ia automatically cached, so there is no need to download it repeatedly. The check mark icon in the lower right corner of the thumbnail indicates whether the preset has been downloaded.

● In the image or video rendering mode, applying presets is also supported.

Note: Please update the scene after applying a preset

Brush Preset

D5 brush presets contain the asset IDs and brush parameters

How to create D5 brush presets

After logging into your Teams account, select brush tool and you can then save the preset to My Space or Team Space in the the Assets tab.

How to apply D5 brush presets

Double-click on the preset thumbnail in the Studio panel to use the brush preset, and the models in the preset will be automatically downloaded and the brush tool will be activated, allowing you to directly brush in the scene. If you need to adjust the brush parameters, simply click on the preset for adjustments.

Path Preset

D5 path presets contain the asset IDs and path parameters

How to create D5 path presets

Select a drawn path model, on the right side you can save the preset to My Space or Team Space.

How to apply D5 path presets

Double-click on the path preset to activate path tool, and the assets in the preset will be automatically downloaded and available for path drawing directly in the scene.